Commit-msg: expected others

finally i passed the precommit, but now the error is about the commit mesage, i did it like the template that is in the submission wiki, i used git config --global commit.template C:\Users\Karinjo\Downloads/.git-commit-template.txt for add it but the error still there

sol(code): #0 codeabbey, 24 (5.26)

- others: 11 in, 14 out, 25 total.
- score: 89.1 initial, 94.36 final, 5.26 progress.
- global-rank: 22864 initial, 3571 final, 19293 progress.
- national-rank: 22864 initial, 3571 final, 19293 progress.
- effort: 24 hours during challenges, productivity 0.219 points/hour.

ok may be i was confused, but in codeabbey yes the global rank is the same as national’s

but, i correct the things you said and the error is the same

sol(code): #0 codeabbey, 24 (5.26)

- others: 11 in, 14 out, 25 total.
- score: 89.1 initial, 94.36 final, 5.26 progress.
- global-rank: 22864 initial, 3571 final, 19293 progress.
- national-rank: 22864 initial, 3571 final, 19293 progress.
- effort: 24 hours during challenges, productivity 0.219 points/hour.

Do make sure to check the CI logs. They will point you toward what is wrong, every time. If you have further questions, make sure to post the logs here.

yes, it says that Expected “- others:” and i change in git the command to git config --local commit.template templates/commit-msg-challenges.txt and neither works. also i modify the txt and git wants me to add it like file in my commit, i supose i dont have to do it, but i don't know what i have to do, i only change it and put git config --local commit.template templates/commit-msg-challenges.txt
I dont know if i have to do extra configurations

   repositoryformatversion = 0
   filemode = false
   bare = false
   logallrefupdates = true
   symlinks = false
   ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
   url =
   fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/
   branch "karol1998"]
   remote = origin
   merge = refs/heads/master
   template = templates/commit-msg-challenges.txt

The git command you’re running simply uses the file as a template when runinng git commit, that’s it. You could literally ignore the whole configuration and just send a correct commit message and it still would work.

Make sure to pay attention to what @wizardly-knuth said about your commit body not being included in the commit, as this is the real cause of the issue.

oh i think now i understand, so when i write in git , git commit in this moment in the window that appear i put:

sol(code): #0 codeabbey, 24 (5.26)

- others: 11 in, 14 out, 25 total.
- score: 89.1 initial, 94.36 final, 5.26 progress.
- global-rank: 22864 initial, 3571 final, 19293 progress.
- national-rank: 22864 initial, 3571 final, 19293 progress.
- effort: 24 hours during challenges, productivity 0.219 points/hour.

what i am doing is

git commit -m "sol(code): #0 codeabbey, 24 (5.26)"

That’s exactly your issue. Make sure to use git commit in order to be able to add the commit message body.

I strongly suggest you to avoid using git commit -m because it is made for one liners commits messages, and surely that is what causes the issue, use only git commit instead and configure your favorite text editor to run on every commit with

$ git config --global core.editor nano

$ git config --global core.editor gedit


$ git config --global core.editor emacs

If you keep using git commit -m only the first line will be saved.