Error links that i dont put in the OTHERS.lts file

What happens

Hi, im trying to make a new commit and i have and error with http:400 in links that already were in the OTHERS file

What do you understand or find about that problem

the pipeline try to go to the link and it is unavaliable.

Did you try any workaround? What did you do?

No, maybe i can try to delete the links but i think that it could be another error


I need help with

what can i do to solve the pipeline error.


You can verify these links with an HTTP checker, you can search for it on the web. Also from what I can see, you have some additional errors, try to search the forum first before posting the topic.

yes, but i dont put that links they were already in the others file, i can delete them? or what do i have to do? after check if they are valid or no.

You can delete it, but first, verify if the URLs are valid or not.