Error with YAML file

What happens
I’m trying to upload a code challenge, after running the pipeline I got this error with my YAML file.

What do you understand or find about that problem

I dont have idea why just happend this problem…

Did you try any workaround? What did you do?

Yes,I have tried to modify the .yml file several times, but I have not been able to solve the error.

Images of error:

link to the pipeline:

link to commit:

I need help with

Could anyone tell me how to fix this error please?


The first thing to keep in mind is to try to read the documentation correctly. I see that you have several pipeline errors. With this in mind, I will give you some recommendations:

  1. You should constantly verify that the master branch is up to date before creating your branch.

  2. You can only upload a single commit with the three required files (in the commit you passed me above you only uploaded the external solutions) In the case of code challenges (.yml, code, OTHERS.lst).

  3. Check well the blanks and the way you paste the links in the external solutions.

You can review this section in the documentation to guide you in a better way:

The error says you need to add the .yml file, make a single Commit with all the files to be loaded.
Try to solve this error first to continue resolving those mentioned by @imaginative-watch