Hacking learning material/resources

What happens

I want to know if you people of the community can recommend or have any resources for studying hacking that can also help me to complete challenges. You can also recommend a book!

What do you understand or find about that problem


You make any workaround? What did you do?

I am checking INE, TryHackMe and Hack the box, but want to know about more resources that you may have used or even recommend

(Optional) Why fails your workaround?




I need help with

A reply.

Thanks in advance :grinning:

It depends on your level of knowledge . For the very basic I guess the best one is TryhackMe to have the first experience with hacking.
But what I strongly recommend (and it is totally for free) to do some basic/intermediary challenges (CTF) from the challenges that were already done by someone. In the Gitlab repository there are thousands of answers from thousand different websites. You could pick one and go for it (for example root-me). This is what I am doing and it is helping me a lot.
What I recommend is trying to do the challenges by yourself. If you get stuck, you can have a look on the solutions, but always understanding what you are doing. Don’t just copy and paste.
This is not counting as unique challenge for the immersion process, but it will help a lot to learn.

Thank you very much for your answer @mental-local
Will do as you suggest :nerd_face:
Even when checking these answers, we can learn and try to solve them in a different way.