Help in code_sort_by_ext

What happens

As the title of the publication indicates I am having problems organizing the other.lst file, however I had previously automated this process and it worked for me in the previous merge.

What do you understand or find about that problem

Currently I do not understand very well why I am not organizing the links well, since the python program that I designed had already worked.

You make any workaround? What did you do?

How to mention automate the task of organizing and removing links by their extension in alphabetical order, leaving the links without extension at the end and in turn organizing them in alphabetical order.

Today I ignored this problem and uploaded links that did not have to organize anything, but it seems important to me for future installments to understand what is happening


Pipeline #780186651

I need help with

Understand why apparently the files are not organized by extension if I observe that all the files are well organized

Hi, well for what i can understand, the link in your commit here (challange 52) doesn’t have an extension, so the Pipeline Job identifies it as an error. It should be like .../master/Pythagorean%20Theorem.c Regards

It might be that, however it confuses me a bit because for example at this point there are extensions without extension