How to fix this error when I push with Gitlab

What happens

Hello everybody!
I need make a question about this issue with Gitlab, I don’t let make a push when I have realized a commit from my own branch, prior of merging to master.

What do you understand or find about that problem

I am solving one of these CodeAbbey challenges, but, I resolved yet; however the big trouble is with Gitlab when I realized their respective push.

Did you try any workaround? What did you do?

Trying to fix the repos


I need help with

How I do to try this issue, for continue my commits

The error indicates that the email that was registered to sign the commits locally is not the email registered in gitlab. When commits are made locally, they must be done with the email registered in gitlab. Link

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Okay, I will fix this trouble with GitLab
Thank you so much!