Linter of Fortran Ubuntu Linux

What happens

I can’t do the fortran linter

What do you understand or find about that problem

In the “Specific Criteria” of the Autonomic.Jump Specific Criteria | Autonomic Jump instructions are generated, and in the tutorial in the link explain how to program in fortran. I found these resources on the internet

but I do not understand anything

Did you try any workaround? What did you do?

Yes, I tried these steps in the terminal since I am programming on Ubuntu Linux

(Optional) Why does the workaround fail?

Everything fails because I do not understand anything, I had never made a linter, I did not know that this existed and on the internet I find very little information, most information is focused on JS.

I have problems with the interpretation or translation of documents into English.


I need help with

I need explanation of how and where and how to make a linter, especially for fortran on ubuntu Linux.

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Here is a link to give you an idea of the Fortran style. Remember that you always have the possibility of taking as reference the challenges of other users made in that language to get an idea. The last tip I leave you is to investigate the lint command that has especially Fortran.

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