Productivity incorrect (at char X) (line:Y, col:Z)

hello and good day.

I got this problem: I’m doing a CTF challenge and I got everything I need: the .feature, the Link.lst and the OTHERS.lst. I commit and push, but I get an error

Productivity incorrect (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)

This is my output without the pre-commit (Only 3200 characters allowed, that why I can´t publish the complete pre-commit, but it passed.

Precommit passed, continue checks...
mimetypes and charsets check OK, continue checks...
$ ./ci-scripts/
Path characters OK, continue checks...
asciidoc extensions OK, continue checks...
Soft tabs check OK, continue checks...
Raw github code check OK, continue checks...
Short filename check OK, continue checks...
Pykwalify language checks OK, continue checks...
Pykwalify code checks OK, continue checks...
Pykwalify hack checks OK, continue checks...
Code directory depth check OK, continue checks...
Features vs evidences check OK, continue checks...
Only png images for evidences check OK, continue checks...
Duplicated links in others check OK, continue checks...
$ ./ci-scripts/
sol(hack): #0 root-me, enconding-ascii (5)
Productivity incorrect (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)

If this is a commit for a CHALLENGE solution,
follow templates/commit-msg-challenges.txt:
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1 

I don’t know what it means, I searched in the web but there’s nothing related. can you help me? i read again the doc present in:
but as i see, im following all the standards there.

Could you send the URL of your CI integration logs?

this is the url:

In fact the productivity calculation in your commit is incorrect. Read the commit template carefully and recalculate