Stuck due test policy

What happens

I have a problem with test policy. Now, my previous complexity is 2.26 and I’m trying to upload a 3.57 complexity challenge, but there is an error with test policy.

What do you understand or find about that problem

I understand that for this case, the expected maximum complexity is 3.26. And, I searched on the policy file ( data.yaml ) the specifications of this policy. This defines the minimum and maximum step as 1. I believe that the complexity challenge that should satisfy this policy is exactly 3.26, but the problem is that there isn’t a challenge with this complexity.

You make any workaround? What did you do?

I tried to upload a 3.16 complexity challenge, but the error remains.




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This (Error on test_policy with the complexity) could help you. I also recommend that you look at the forum, many times you find the solution to what you need

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This error is because the steps are on 1 so the current complexity have to be exactly the min and max complexity (those are the same on this case) so we are stuck but now is changing the policy with a max_step of 2 for have more range to choose a challenge. When changes are made please review the policy and try again.