Test_generic has failed

What happens

I got some trouble with the “test_generic”. But it doesn’t tell me where is the ERROR

What do you understand or find about that problem

I understand nothing for real.

You make any workaround? What did you do?

I resend the pipeline so it may be a change.

(Optional) Why fails your workaround?

Cause technically I change nothing.


I can’t show the evidence.

I need help with

I need to know how to pass that test

you can always add evidence as you can do a local build of the pipe with problems, https: //docs.autonomicjump.com/builds

You can also leave the link to the broken pipe as evidence: https://gitlab.com/autonomicjump/challenges/-/jobs/1460584343

Check the pipeline this is your error

Pls avoid recreate a post to discuss the same problem, if you still have problems reply in this same thread

Sorry didn’t know, I still have the same problem and can’t fix it, and cant show the evidence cause show me a problem about the host.

Where did you get the problem with the host? here in help?

On the other hand, remember that you must look at the forum to know if this issue has already been dealt with, this problem is simple, you need to try to solve it on your own.