Where is the fluidattacks repo?

Hello. I’m a new user and im trying to understand how to do this:

git remote add

But its seems that are not .git repositories in /training, so im confused cuz im a github user and generally i create the repository and then i pointed to them through my IDE. So, where can i find the repository path for, at least, the programming challenges? thanks for your attention.

Hello @dynamic-manager and welcome to Fluid Attacks community.

To solve your question, there is no need to use a remote add if you start cloning the repository. Once cloned the repo a folder named .git will be created and will contain all the files detailing the configuration of the repository (the remote url as well). So, my advice is to git clone first and don’t complicate with that sort of issues :wink:

perfect. thanks. but, what is the repo url to clone?

you can clone it either using ssh:

git clone git@gitlab.com:autonomicmind/training.git

or http:

git clone https://gitlab.com/autonomicmind/training.git

I personally rather using ssh but that choice is up to you. Also make sure you have access to the repo before trying to clone

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All the info you need at this point is in the documentation and the links in that page. I suggest you read them all carefully.