Build-code failed with curry

What happens

When I do my MR in code challenge I got error with the compilation of rebelskvll.curry

What do you understand or find about that problem

Sincerily I do not know what could be happen, as the popular phrase: It works on my machine

You make any workaround? What did you do?

I can not replicate the problem


I need help with

To understand what happens or how I could fix the code.

You have problems in your code

[2 of 4] Skipping  Prelude          ( /nix/store/02p2y3i2ingnjkm1m62azr2a5n5zhimy-pakcs-2.2.1/pakcs/lib/Prelude.curry, /nix/store/02p2y3i2ingnjkm1m62azr2a5n5zhimy-pakcs-2.2.1/pakcs/lib/.curry/Prelude.fcy )
[4 of 4] Compiling test             ( test.curry, .curry/test.fcy )

test.curry, line 7.1: Error:
    Interface for module System.IO not found

test.curry, line 8.1: Error:
    Interface for module Data.List not found
ERROR occurred during parsing!

also you can replicate the pipeline locally

Thank you.
Can you help me to understand why I can compile and execute successfully in my computer? What could be the difference?

  ______      __       _    _    ______   _______     
 |  __  |    /  \     | |  / /  |  ____| |  _____|   Portland Aachen Kiel
 | |  | |   / /\ \    | |_/ /   | |      | |_____    Curry System
 | |__| |  / /__\ \   |  _  |   | |      |_____  |   
 |  ____| / ______ \  | | \ \   | |____   _____| |   Version 2.2.1-b8
 |_|     /_/      \_\ |_|  \_\  |______| |_______|   

Curry2Prolog(swi 8.3) Compiler Environment (Version of 2020-10-02)
(RWTH Aachen, CAU Kiel, Portland State University)

pls check your version and compiler, if they are different pls install the pkg from nix, Languages | Autonomic Jump

You are right, I have a different versión.

└──╼ $pakcs --version
 __    _
|_ \  | |            PAKCS - the Portland Aachen Kiel Curry System
  \ \ | |____
  /  \|  ____|       Version 3.3.0 of 2021-02-05 (swi 8.2)
 / /\ \ |
/_/  \_\|

As always: thank you so much.