Test_policy - failed - (script failure)

What happens

I’m using dlang for codeabbey challenges, however, I can’t get past some pipelines (test_policy - failed - (script failure)

What do you understand or find about that problem

In the lang-data-supported.yml file it is indicated that the dlang language is allowed, but in the default policy I do not find it in policies/data.yaml file.

You make any workaround? What did you do?

Review the situation in detail but I do not know how to solve it


error policy: https://gitlab.com/autonomicjump/challenges/-/jobs/1484568059

I need help with

Know how I can overcome this pipeline or what I should do.


as the debug message said, you can find the supported languages at https://gitlab.com/autonomicjump/challenges/-/blob/master/policies/data.yaml

I just added D language to the list of supported languages, now you should be able to push challenges in this language

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