Valid YAML file not found

Hi everyone!

What happens

In my last MR failed the /test/generic/user_yaml and /test/policy

What do you understand or find about that problem

Seems a problem with my YAML file or maybe with the OTHERS.lst files

You make any workaround? What did you do?

I check my rebelskvll.yml and the policies in repo, all seems to be fine.


Here the screenshot of /test/generic/user_yaml

Here the screenshot of /test/policy

I need help with

I want to know what is this error and how I could fix it.

Same here, I’m right now having the same problem. It could be a problem with the test.

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Hi! pls rebase and re-try and let me now if the problem persists, I just returned this test to test_user_yaml

What happens

I present the same error and I still do not solve it.

What do you understand or find about that problem

I am not sure where the fault is and in the .yml file I do it according to the documentation.

You make any workaround? What did you do?

I did the test again, I deleted the branch and I did push again and it still continues.


I need help with

How can I solve this error or if it is a bug that the pipeline presents.

Done, but the /test/policy keeps failing. All the other tests passed

I just noticed and it is already corrected please rebase again

Yeah :rofl:, I’ve just seen your commit. I’ll do it and then I’ll tell you if it is solved

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I really appreciate your help, it is now solved :wave: :pray:

Is working fine to me right now.
Thank you so much.

Hi! I present the same error.

Screenshoot of /test/policy

Screenshoot of /test/generic/user_yaml

I hope you can help me

There is no .yml file in your commit

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