Error on test_policy with the complexity

Hello everyone, recently I’m having this error with the complexity of the challenges. My last challenge had a complexity of 9.17 so I should able to upload solutions equal or below to 11.17, I’m trying to upload a challenges with a complexity of 10.57 but i can’t pass the test_policy because I’m having this error.
What could I do for fix it or I’m doing some wrong?
Captura de Pantalla 2020-09-24 a la(s) 13.37.49

11.17 is the expected minimum complexity, so you must solve a challenge with a complexity greater or equal than 11.17 and lower or equal than 12.17.

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It’s supposed to go two by two and my last challenge had a complexity of 9.17, so the range should be between 9.17 and 11.17, not between 11.17 and 13.17. I think it is so or am I wrong?

Yep, you are wrong. There is a minimum STEP (in this case 2) that defines the minimum difference between the previous and current challenge.


All explanations are in this link, several things were changed recently, your minimun step must be 2 and maximum 3, if your last commit was 9.17 the next one must be between (11.17 and 12.17)


@wicked-pulse @uneasy-ruler Thank you for your answers

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