Haxe language version

What happens

I need info about the Haxe version the repo is using. This info is not in the pipelines logs. I’m guessing the version I’m using locally is not the same.

What do you understand or find about that problem

I’m currently using the latest version available for this language: “4.1.5”. I’m using the API documentation of this version.
However, testing locally with the script “./build.sh build_solutions_haxe” failed, the same as this pipeline, saying that a certain method I was using is not available.

You make any workaround? What did you do?

I replaced this troublesome method by one available in the Haxe version 3.3. It compiled correctly, locally and in the repo, so the new pipeline passed. But I want to use the correct API docs.


Pipeline that failed

I need help with

What is the Haxe version targeted in the repo?
Could it be updated to the latest stable version for the language?


Hi, the version used is Haxe Compiler 3.4.6

The versions used for each language at this moment depends on the stable version of NixOs.