YML ERROR - /formatYaml

What happens

Pipelines is failing me because of job /formatYaml y Job /test/generic/check_date.

What do you understand or find about that problem

The YML format has the wrong date and formatting.

Did you try any workaround? What did you do?

Yes, I have made several YML files and I get the same error, even a few days ago I managed to upload the same one without problems but I had to go through the whole process again and this file only changed the date and still does not pass.
I browse the repository to see others accepted solutions, compare and conclude that I have the same

I browse the repository to see others accepted solutions, compare and conclude that I have the same

One doubt, here it should not say “code”, in the error I get vbd



I need help with to identify the error

It’s a bit of a weird error, try not to add the 5 hours and try again.


I have the same problem, I get an error in the formatYaml, the same message, I added it, I removed the 5 hours and it keeps showing me the same error

I get more errors with the normal date.
I have deleted the file several times and added it back and it doesn’t work either.

In your case, you are in fact misplacing the time and leaving unnecessary spaces.

Please delete your branch both remotely and locally and make sure to update the master branch well, I want the commit time to be different now to see if it still happens.