Problem with /formatYaml

What happens

error with /formatYaml

What do you understand or find about that problem

When i run the pipelines the only error i get is error with /formatYaml i dont understand why

You make any workaround? What did you do?

first i try to reaload the pipeline 3 times and that didnt work, i delete my branch, and create another one and problem still continued



Your .yml has problems as indicated by the pipeline, check that everything is ok, and don’t forget to set the in your commit.


i dont understand, i check my .yml file and everything is ok

on the left side is my file .yml and ont the right side is the .yml file of the last challenge that you accepted me
and this my commit message

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Check if you have any blank spaces, I think in the totals section, after the number, you have one.