Configuration with Wechall

What happens

I can’t complete the wechall setup on my kali

What do you understand or find about that problem

I have been configuring as the page tells me, but it still does not work

Did you try any workaround? What did you do?

I researched some solutions but it doesn’t work, it doesn’t update my score in wechall


I need help with

if someone has already gone through that, you could help me

For the people who also had the problem in linking the wechall in overthewire, it is simple, it turns out that each linux distribution works with a file where the configuration is saved, where the linking of the wechall should be done is not in the .bashrc , it has to be in the .zshrc

You can create the .ssh/config folder if you don’t have it in the root file and also configure it as they tell you on the page

They close the terminal and open it again to issue the command to see their user and when they finish doing a challenge they write wechall so that the progress is attached to the page where the scores are found