Doing a succesfull CI

I dont know what i have to do for have a succesfull CI, a MR was rejected because of that, but i don’t know what i have to do with that

  • Could you post the URL of the failed job/pipeline?
  • What are the errors reported in the failed integration?

According to the integration, there are two errors (failed text in the log).

Run split against your code locally, and you will get verbose output.

Additionally, you are committing a strange file that is not allowed.

and how i run split locally?, do you reffer to a specific program?

This is the linter that is failing.

ok, now i don’t have errors, neigther warnings, but it says that precommit failure
i can’t understand why, can you help me?

Please read the log that you sent. The error is specified in there. At the same time please read all the training documentation, you aren’t following the submission rules.

@previous-bell If this topic is solved, please mark it as such by checking the solution chart at the bottom of the post you consider that properly answers your question

what means “Solutions sources must be wrapped at column 80”?

Please write a different thread/topic for a different question

@previous-bell If this topic is solved, please mark it as such by checking the solution chart at the bottom of the post you consider that properly answers your question. If not, please update the post with fuhrer information about the issue and/or the proposed solutions of the participants.