Error TEST commit_msg and pre_commit

What happens

The process failed in the test stage due to these 2 failed, which are the following:



What do you understand or find about that problem

I read several cases in the forum like this Test_commit_message error

And I saw that one was related or dependent on the other.

Did you try any workaround? What did you do?

Well, the recommendation was to read the section Style | Autonomic Jump and which validates the blank spaces, indentations by spaces, code in English and etc.

Update the commit

(Optional) Why does the workaround fail?

It keeps showing the same error




or whatever that you consider that can help to solve the problem.

I need help with

I kindly request collaboration to know what the fault is.


If you are currently using an incorrect commit structure, please refer to the documentation on how to do it properly or also by looking at similar commits in the repository.
