Fail in Merge-request reviews

What happens

My commit is accepted, but when I perform a merge request, I encounter the following error.

What do you understand or find about that problem

I think it’s because there’s an issue with my username.

Why does the workaround fail?

I have reviewed my Git username and email, and they are exactly as indicated.


Accepted commit.


Pipeline 922372455

I need help with

Find and fix the error so that my merge request can be accepted

Hello and welcome to the forum

Remember that you must first upload the branch and wait for all pipelines to run successfully before you can send the branch to a merge request. Make sure that Git configuration is set globally.


Good morning, thank you for responding. What I did was first make the commit and wait for it to be approved before making the merge request.
I set my name and email using the commands.
$ git config --global “Tadeo Molinas”
$ git config --global
Translation: I believe they were configured correctly.

I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.

Please send again the branch and let me know. Don’t merge request.

Now I am getting this error.

Does it mean I have to remove those links?

Correct, you can remove those links that are failing and everything should be fine c:

Sorry for the wait, now I’ve cleared all the tests.

So you can send the merge request right now. All the pipelines are passed without any problem. :smiley:

I did it! Thank you very much for your help. :smile:

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