Merge request rejected strictest compilat linting

What happens

Merge request was rejected because “The strictest compilation (optional for interpreted languages) and strictest linting (mandatory for all languages) commands used and their output must be included in the prelude at the beginning of the code.”

What do you understand or find about that problem

It says something about strictest compilation and linting but all local tests and all jobs and pipeline passed ok with no errors, so the merge request should be approved.

Did you try any workaround? What did you do?

I read the documentation and found the exact same wording attached to the rejection response " The strictest compilation (optional for interpreted languages) and strictest linting (mandatory for all languages) commands used and their output must be included in the prelude at the beginning of the code."
My language is jq.

(Optional) Why does the workaround fail?

I dont know if it must be a additional package, library or test installed. I read the documentation but no additional information about compiling and linting or installing additional software.
My language is jq.


I need help with

Please help how to approve the compilation and linting requested.
My language is jq.

You can take the example of the challenges made in this language by the other talents.
